Monday, August 06, 2007

(21) Haywain panels and tapestries to scale

  1. It's very subjective, but to me it seems as though the octagonal Pedlar in Rotterdam does not match very well with the Miser in Wahington and the panels in Paris and New Haven. In other words, even though the three small panels come from the same tree, I don't think they were a trio.
  2. Interestingly, the haywain in the tapestry is not much larger than the one in the Haywain triptychs, which suggests to me that there might have been a triptych with the same exterior as the Haywain triptychs and a center that was more or less similar to the center of the tapestry. There is a painted panel that resembles the tapestry and is about the same height as the Miser and Ship of Fools panels, but it seems too cluttered to go with them.
  3. Applying Binstock's method to a comparison between The Garden of Delights/El Jardín de las DeliciasPedlar seems to support the idea that they could be the work of the same artist.


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